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Processing Profile Creation

1. Create a New Account

  • To create a new account follow the steps here and name it username + processor. For example, if your username is John, the account name would be Johnprocessor.

*Note: This account should not be made a merchant account*

2. Add a Contact

  • After creating the account, log in and click on the  icon, then select “Contacts” to add a new contact to your contacts list.
  • Look up the merchant user for whom this processor account is created by using their username, email, or phone number.
  • Click on the “Add” button to send a friend request to that user.
  • Once the request is accepted that user will be added to your contact list.


3. Share my Wallet

Wallet sharing is a feature of XPRIZO that allows you the give access to your wallet. Only the wallet owner can share and grant access, and they can revoke it at any time. To share your wallet, the person must be an active user in your contacts list.

  • Log in with the Merchant account, go to the Contacts section, and select the processor account user created for this merchant account to open their contact details.
  • Choose “Full” to grant complete access to the merchant’s wallet. You can also provide other types of access to the merchant’s wallet.

The following is the type of access you can grant:

  • None – (Default) They have no access to your wallets.
  • Read – They can only view your wallet balances and transactions.
  • Create – They can create new transactions on your wallet.
  • Approve – They can approve an existing pending transaction on your wallet.
  • Full – They have full access to your wallet.

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